My Return…

It’s been so long since I’ve done a blog post.  So much has happened…And we’ve been through a lot.  Some good and some bad.  I’ve been sick too, on and off.  Mostly why I haven’t posted because the power cord went on my laptop and I just didn’t have the money to buy a new one.  Without going back, I can’t even remember what I last wrote about or even when.  I think it was summertime ???  August actually 🙂

Being chronically ill and not being able to work has put quite a strain on our family and our marriage.  I have actually started looking for a job.  I strongly encourage anyone who is married and is going to apply for SSI/Disability to not do so because you will get barely nothing to live on.  A couple hundred dollars a month is nothing when you’re trying to build a life together.  You cannot afford to be sick, despite that being sick is something that you cannot prevent.

It’s been very frustrating looking for a job and I’ve only had one interview in the past month.  There isn’t a whole lot of jobs I am qualified for in this area.  Most are retail jobs, mechanical, and medical.  Retail I am just not good in.  Nevertheless, I keep applying and I keep checking.

Now we are facing eviction too.  We got behind on the rent a few months ago because of this and late fees piled up as we tried to get caught up.  I’ve tried to looking for rental assistance but I have found none here in town.   My anxiety is at an all time and hasn’t been this way in many years.  We’ve even tried selling stuff.  No buyers.  It’s all kinda at a dead end here and I am not sure what’s left to do.  I mean, I’m almost seriously considering selling my phone, my laptop, and my wedding rings, it’s that bad.

I’m sorry for being brutal personal and honest and I feel like I am complaining and I do apologize.  Things just haven’t gotten any better in the past years and it’s just getting to be too much.  First post back and I’m complaining; I’m such a horrible person 😦




Till next time…


Author: Heather

Saved by grace through faith. All to Jesus I surrender, Lord I give myself to Thee. Have thine own way. Wife of Chris. Lover of reading, writing, horses, praying mantises, and photography.

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